7P – سفن بي | Software & Marketing – شركة برمجيات وتسويق

Software Services

All Software Services

App development rafiki

Mobile Apps

At 7P, we provide you with smartphone application development services for iOS and Android platforms with a focus on innovation and achieving an excellent user experience.
Website Creator bro


We create stunning and functional websites that align with your brand, ensuring seamless user navigation and optimized performance.
Operating system rafiki


Our DevOps solutions streamline your software development and deployment processes, enabling faster releases, improved collaboration, and enhanced scalability.
Software code testing rafiki

Software Testing

We conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the functionality, performance, and reliability of your software, identifying and resolving any issues before launch.
Secure data bro

Security Test

We perform rigorous security testing to identify vulnerabilities and ensure your software is secure against potential cyber threats and breaches.
Mobile UI UX amico

User interface design

Our UI/UX experts focus on creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, delivering exceptional user experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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